‘Creative Atelier, APRICOT’ is my grandmother’s house.
When I was a child, my relatives used to get together and had fun.
They say that nowadays children cannot concentrate at school, however, once they find something they are interested in,
they concentrate their attention on it like adults do.
At our atelier, children can come to notice what they could not ever notice in everyday life by dynamic and creative activities which can never be experienced at school or by touching various materials.
The things which children felt ‘Fun’ in their childhood become lifelong treasures.
I would like our atelier to be the right place to cultivate experiences for children through talking with local men, women and elderly people.
ورشة الإبداع ”مشمش“ كانت بالأصل منزل جدتي
عندما كنا صغارًا نجتمع عند جدتي و نلعب مع بعضنا البعض
في الأونة الأخيرة، أصبحنا نسمع كثيرًا عن
أطفال لا يركزون في دراستهم بينما يكون لديهم نشاط معين يستمتعون به و يفهمونه.
في ورشة عملنا نشاطٌ بنائيٌ غير متاح في المدارس